Who can start a Civil Claim in Singapore?
A Civil Claim can be started by persons or organisations against other persons or organisations in relation to the legal duties and responsibilities that are owed to each other. If you have a Civil Claim (for example, a claim for breach of contract, or damage or injury caused by wrongful acts), the maximum amount of your claim will determine which Court you should start your claim in.
Remember, you should make every effort to try to resolve your disagreement and dispute before starting the case in Court because civil claims can be take up a lot of time and expenses and they can also attract unwanted publicity and attention (which can affect their reputation and business).
That’s why many people consider using Alternative Dispute Resolution methods in Singapore to resolve their disputes, such as using mediation and arbitration – these methods of resolving disagreements are getting more and more popular and widely used because many feel that they can provide the persons involved in the case with more flexible, controlled, fast and efficient outcomes compared to litigation through the Court system.
So there you have it, some basic information on who can start a Civil claim.
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